Monday, September 22, 2008

Submarine Volcanoes

Submarine volcanoes are ordinary traits on the ocean floor. A few are active and, in shallow water, reveal their company by blasting steam and rocky rubble high over the exterior of the ocean. Countless others lie at great depths that the incredible weight of the water over them stop the explosive discharge of steam and gases, while they can be found by hydrophones and discoloration of water because of volcanic gases. Pumice rafts can show up aswell. Even large submarine eruptions might not upset the ocean's exterior. Because of the fast cooling effect of water as compared to air, and increased buoyancy, submarine volcanoes often form steep columns over their volcanic vents as compared to above surface volcanoes. They can become so big that they break the ocean surface as new islands. Pillow lava is a common eruptive creation of submarine volcanoes.
The picture is an example of a submarine volcano.

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